Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Update! Lucky Penny Shop.

One more day in till PARADISE! I am like So excited they need to make a new word for excited. LOL. So anyway I wanted to tell you about these videos made by LuckyPennyShop on youtube! Their videos are AMAZING! Me and Lottie have been watching them like ALL DAY D. Lucky Penny Shop's videos are about toys, makers, etc. He  takes a old/new toy that not much people play with anymore and he shows how cool it is and he also makes the food. My favorite is the MAKERS. (As you all know im in LOVE with food!) I liked the McDonald ones! I didn't even know they had that! You guys HAVE to watch their videos! Hey, Your never too old to watch little kid stuff! LOL.
One of our Favorites!

SummerStyles.<3   and
                                      Lottie Styles✝

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